Is a way to replace the hormones men and women lose over their lives, this way they can improve their vitality and health with only a couple of treatments a year. Bioidentical treatments can help with the impacts of aging, mood swings, exhaustion, stress, irritability, foggy thinking, weight gain, sleep disturbances, intimate issues, and symptoms related to menopause. They are also safer than synthetic hormones
Painless and quick laser treatment can be used to reduce pain, speed healing, help bruises go away faster, and decrease inflammation across the body by penetrating just under the skin. Laser treatment has, for example, has been shown to reduce chronic neck and knee pain
Nerves lose the ability to pass along a pain signal when ablation treatment is performed. While many times the nerves will eventually grow back, this is normal, and this time-tested procedure allows the patient to return to normal functionality and reduce pain without powerful medications until the doctor needs to perform this minor procedure again
PRP helps tissue heal faster by deploying the growth factors found in one's own blood, wherein the blood is processed and then injected into the patient wherever there is damage or surgery has been recently performed. Good evidence exists for PRP treatment for patient problems such as knee osteoarthritis or lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) PRP is commonly used to augment healing in sports-related injuries of skeletal muscle, tendons, and ligaments without drugs, and in combination with other non-pharmaceutical options such as vibration and laser technologies, but is increasingly used for hair restoration and facial skin rejuvenation
Used for most of the trunk of the body suffering from pain and tightness or the need for enhanced soft tissue repair. Acoustic waves focus high energy to painful locations and myoskeletal tissues with subacute, subchronic and chronic conditions. The energy promotes the reparative processes of tendons and other soft tissues, while reducing pain through penetrating under the skin without surgery or drugs. For example, statistically significant improvement in pain and functional capacity for plantar fasciitis was found after completion of treatment. The improvement was preserved throughout a year
These techniques are applied to help patients with pain across their body to short-circuit pain signals to their brain, including migraine headaches, while avoiding surgery and minimizing use of powerful drugs. Results are better and less likely to produce complications when a C-Arm or ultrasound is used, so that the doctor can see inside of the patient and carefully guide the injection and
Stem cells can develop into different cell types. They may offer a renewable source of replacement cells to treat diseases, conditions, and disabilities. Treatments at RPMC focus on addressing wear, tear and physical loss associated with early knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder and hip damage and knee early osteoarthritis. For example, a goal of utilizing stem cell therapy could be reducing inflammation and potentially creating new cartilage in the damaged knee
Steroid injections can reduce back and lower extremity pain, and can help patients get into physical therapy faster. The delivery of the steroid is far safer and less likely to produce complications when a C-Arm is used so that the doctor can see inside of the patient and carefully guide the injection
Game on! Vibration technologies have been noted for helping patients of all ages with muscle stiffness and atrophy, reduced range of motion, and osteoporosis. Along with laser technology, athletes and non-athletes can use vibration technology to reduce discomfort, get their muscles loose as preparation for excellent performances in competitions, and simply get back to the activities that they love Check out events and locations such as the NFL combine, NBA, NHL and MLB sidelines, and professional soccer and martial arts matches and you are bound to see this technology in action, but it also works for regular folks with tight muscles as well!